Our secret - Chapter 2

Harry's point of view
So now we're both in the competition. The first week went well I guess, but then we end up at bootcamp. I got a little nervous because I didn't sang a good song. It was a too easy song and here we're both standing. On the stage with thirty other competitor. I'm trying to see if Louis is standing in the line too but I can't find him. Everyone around me look really nervous and I don't know if I should be nervous or just happy to come home. The judges finally enter the stage and sit down on the chairs. 
"Are you nervous?" Simon is smiling and everyone is humming. He looks me right in the eyes when he call up names. 
"James, Andrew, Lisa, Naomi.." He is calling up names in almost 5 minutes and my name is not on the list. Either is louis'. I look at Louis and he looks back with a quick smile. 
"Everyone on the front line is going to the Judges Houses. And unfortunately everyone in the back line its over here. You can back your bags and go home."
I don't know if I should cry or if I just should walk out with a smile. My head is empty. No thoughts, no future. I can't go back to school, people will laugh at me. I look up for a second and face Louis. He is crying and that makes me cry. The tears are burning behind my eyes and I just walk out, sobbing. Why didn't he got to the judges houses? He sang his song perfect. I meet him up outside the house and he is crying to my shoulder for a long time. I can't do anything else but just be quiet and rubb his back. Then the door opens and a security guard is coming out. 
"Guys will you please come inside, the judges wants to talk to five boys."
I look at Louis and we walk inside while we're drying our tears away. Everyone who went out is standing in a line.
What is going on? My first thought is that they're going to let five boys come to the judges houses. I hope that it's me and Louis.
A security guard is coming out and everyone is starting to bite their nails.
"I want Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Zayn Malik to follow me, please."
My heart is beating so fast that I can't breathe. I just want this to be done so I can go home for the weekend and visit my family. The other guys looks really cool. I talk to Zayn on our way to the stage.
"Are you nervous?" He has a very british accent.
"Yeah, I don't know what they're gonna do to us." He shake his head.
The way to the stage seems to long and when we're finally there I take a deep breath. The judges is already sitting on the chair and they're smiling when we come up on the stage. 
"Hello, thank you so much for coming back." Nicole is looking at all of us, when we're standing infront of them. Once again. The stage and the arena seem so big when you're all alone with five boys.
"We thought that you're too talented to let go off, we thought it would be great to have to separated groups."
I don't get anything, what is going on. I just wanna know what they want to tell us about this. My nervs are like, I can't even describe it. Louis bites his nails, Niall bites his nails, Zayn bites his lip and Liam, I don't even know what Liam is doing.
"We decided to let you both through." Simon is saying that one sentence I've been waiting for.
I just falls down to the ground with my head in my hands. I just hear everyone scream around me. Then I feel someone is hugging me while I sit there and I look up to see Niall. We make a little group hug at the end before Simon stops us.
"Guys guys, you've got to work ten, twelve, fourteen hours a day. Every single day. And take this opportunity."
Me and the boys run outside to our friends, family. Everyone and just jumps in their arms. I'm so happy, I can't even describe my feeling.
Louis' point of view
Now the first week as a group we thought it would be smart to get to know each other. We decided to go to Harry's family house by a lake. At first everyone seems nervous. But then we all help each other with the food. I sit down outside with Liam for a little while and I'm trying to get to know him better at first.
"So, tell me something about you!" I'm smiling and he smiles back with a nod.
"I'm from Wolverhampton, I live there with my family. I've got two sisters, they're both older than me. I'm 16 years old and I've been auditioning for the x factor a few years ago."
I had a nice chat with Liam and we got to know each other in and out. 
I had actually a really fun night with the boys and it feels like we're gonna make a good team together. 
*1 year later*
"1D! 1D! 1D! 1D! 1D!" The fans are wilder and bigger each and everyday. Today we're going to an interview and I'm not excited at all. Everyone wants to interview us now when we have realesed our single wmyb. It was a big thing for the world and we actually didn't thought that everyone around the world would like it. But it seems like we're famous, all around the world. And it feels fantastic. I'm standing by the window watch every little single fan who has coming here just to see us for 1 minute while we jump into the car. I feel someone hug me from behind and I turn around. Harry.
"What are you looking at?" He give me that cheeky harry styles smile and I nod at the fans. He rest his head on my shoulder and I love this feeling that we can do whatever we want like nobodys watching.
"Hey! Loverboys! Lets go!" By that accent, I bet it's Zayn who's yelling. I take Harry's hand in mine while we walk to the car. The fans are screaming and crying and yelling our names. I feel Harrys strong arm around me, like he protect me from everybody in this world. He's mine, and no one elses.

Om ni inte fattar så börjar jag berätta deras hemliga relation nu. Hoppas ni gillar det!
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Our secret - Chapter 1

Louis' point of view
I'm so nervous that it feels like I'm going to explode. I've never been to these kind of talent competitions. X factor is not my thingy. But when my mom said that I could sing, I just.. Had to try it. It's almost 50 persons before me so I get my bags and go to the bathroom. It's kind of quite inside hear when you've been outside in that chaos. After I've been to the toilet I wash my hands and look myself in the mirror. Nothing special, I've got this flat bieber hair. My mom and dad hates it but I think it's me. Then the door opens and a boy with really curly hair enters. At first he doesn't notice me, he just walks into one of the toilets and stays there for a pretty long time. When he's done he comes up next to me and wash his hands. I can't help but staring at him. He's pretty. He turn to face me and gives me a smile. It's a little awkward at first but then he just breaks the silence.
"What's your name?" he's accent is so british that I can't help but giggles.
"It's Louis, what's yours?" He grabs a tissue to dry his hands with.
"Harry, Harry Styles." He's totally perfect, I've never had these kind of thoughts about a guy before but they're just coming. His smile is big and white with perfect straight teeth. Then it hits me, I've been in here for too long. It could be my turn to enter the stage at any time. 
"I really need to go now Harry, but could I get picture with you?" That sounded so wrong. Why am I so stupid? He laughs and nod with a smirk. I pull out my phone and take a picture of me and Harry. He gives me a smile when I exit the bathroom. I feel great in my body right now, it's unbeliveble. I don't even listen to the sounds around me so I don't hear that they are calling my number up. A security card is walking towards my direction and I shake my head to wake up from my daydreaming.
"I think it's your number they're calling up, sir." I'm listning after my number and when I hear it I grab my stuff and walk to enter the stage. A guy guides me to the stage and then I just feel so nervous that I almost can't breathe. I've never been shaking this much in my entire life. When he gives me the mic I just have this feeling that I can't breathe. I feel dizzy and I just want to turn around, walk home and never audition to this again. He is pushing me to enter the stage and when the spotlight is hitting me everyone is screaming and applauding. It's so blurry that I can't see the judges.
"What's your name?" A male voice is breaking my nervous moment and blinks a few times before I can focus on what I'm doing. 
"Louis Tomlinson.." There are so many people who is just sitting there, watching me. 
"What are you going to sing, Louis?" I look at the judges again and give them a smile.
"Hey there Deliah." The music is starting to fill my ears behind me and my voice is clean. Almost too clean and I sing the whole song without any mistakes. The judges applaud, the crowd appluad. The sweat is running down my spine and I'm happy. The worst part is over and I take a few breaths before the judges starts to judge me. At first, I thought for some reason that they didn't like me. But in the end, I got three yes and I run off the stage and out to the other contestants and screaming the lungs of me. I'm so happy to be a part of the x factor UK.
Harry's point of view
I'm actually not nervous at all to go on stage. I hope Louis did well. He's still out there and he has been there for thirty mintues. It's a long time for an aduition. Then I can hear someone scream from the hallway and out he's coming happier than ever and scream his lungs off. I can't help but laugh at him. He's the beautifulest guy I've ever met. I've been bisexual since 8th grade. I've never been bullied for it, but people didn't liked it. I saw it. They tried to ignore me, not in a bad way I think. But they hadn't seen a boy, fifteen years old, being a bisexual. That's wierd. But I feel fine about it, and my mom and stephdad have always been there for me. They don't judge me like everyone else. So it's not a new thingy, that I think louis is beautiful. Because he turly is. His smile makes me melt from the top to the bottom. And his hair is lying perfectly around his head. He looks like an older version of Justin Bieber. I need to talk to him again. And maybe before I go on stage. His family is hugging him and I can't come through. I wave to make him notice me and he looks right into my eyes with a smile. I smile back and it feels like I'm watching the ocean, the cristal blue ocean when I look into his eyes. They're amazing and I need to tell him that I would love to take a cup of coffeé with him. Then I hear it, my number. The lucky number of mine. I walk in the empty hallway and a guy is already standing there. Waiting for me. He guides me up to the stage and gives me a mic. I give him a cheeky smile before a walk out to the crowd with confident. Everyone gives me a applaud and I give them a big smile. Simon Cowell is sitting there watching me and it makes me a litte bit nervous actually.
"What's your name?"
"I'm Harry Styles.." The crowd is starting to scream again and I start to blush.
"Great, how old are you?" He keeps asking me questions and I can't do anything other than answer them.
"Erhm.. Sixteen."
"Okay, so tell me a little bit about you." That one question I didn't want to answer. I hate that question. Is like everything I've been through, everything I know is all gone. And I can't think about something mature to say.
"I work in a bakery."
"So Harry, you left school to work at that bakery yeah?"
"I work at saturdays. But I finished my DCC's now. So I'm going back to college in september."
"And what are you gonna study in college?" I'm getting a bit bored about all these questions. I came here to sing.
"Law, sociologist, buiness and something else but I'm not sure yet."
He looks a little amazed and he just wides his eyes before he start asking me questions.
"What are you gonna sing?"
"Isn't she lovely by stewie wonder."
"Okay, good luck." He throw his papers at the table and I start to sing. Without music actually and it went better than I thought and I come home with two yes and my family is waiting just off the stage to hug me. My mother is hugging me so thight that I can't breath. But that doesn't matter. I'm a competitor in the X factor UK.
I let go off my mom and run as fast as I can out through the hallway and when I'm out I search for Louis.
"Looking for someone?" I turn my head and watch him standing against the wall and smiles at me. I give him a tight hug and he hugs me back. He's laugh sounds like heaven in my ears and when we finish the hug he stands and look me right in the eyes again. Like the way he did before.
"We're both in the competition."
I smile, he smile and at last we both laugh and hug each other again. He lift me up in his strong arms and spin me around in circles.
"Can I get you a cup of coffée?" My mouth is right next to his ears and he puts me down with a grin.
"That would be wonderful."
Blev ganska nöjd med det första kapitlet, får se vad ni tycker! 
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Trailer - Our secret
